What To Expect at WBC
Our Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
What should I wear?
One of the most commonly asked questions we receive is: What should I wear to church? Most of our people dress in Sunday Best clothes. Men often wear suits and nearly all of our ladies wear dresses. Although there is no dress code we ask you to be modest when visiting Westside Baptist Church.
What should I bring?
Every one is encouraged to bring your Bible and expect God to speak to your heart. If you do not have a Bible, one will be provided for you to use during your visit.
Which Bible should I bring?
Perhaps you have noticed that there are several translations available today. It can be confusing to know which one to use. At Westside Baptist Church we use the King James (1611, authorized) Version. We hold it to be the only true, inspired and preserved English Bible. If you do not have one of these Bibles, it will be provided for your use during your visit.
Is creche available?
A creche is provided for each service where our church ladies will lovingly care for your child while you are enjoying the preaching.
Who is welcome to come?
Everyone! WBC is only concerned about one thing: helping every person we possibly can to deepen their relationship with God. That being said, we are not an exclusive or highbrow church. We love every one regardless of economic, social or racial circumstance. We hope we'll see you soon as you search for a church home. If we can help you in any way, don't hesitate to contact us.
What are your services like?
WBC is unashamedly old fashioned in our worship and preaching. By that we mean we sing the old fashioned hymns about the book and the blood! We stand firm on God's Word and are not afraid to preach the Bible! We are not a charismatic church and we do not allow for tongues or other non-biblical practices associated with the charismatic movement.
Are there separate services for children?
During Sunday mornings, each child will have Sunday School at 9:45 am where they will go to their classes and enjoy a Bible lesson and craft. We then gather together for the 11 am service where we sing praises to the Lord, have Bible reading and prayer. We then break up the children 9 years old and below where they go back to classes and enjoy services and crafts.
How can I join?
Any person, who is saved and baptized in a church of like faith, is eligible for transfer membership. Any person who has received Christ but not been baptized in a church of like faith may be baptized into our membership. The method of transfer is by letter where we contact your previous church and request a letter testifying to your good standing. In some cases a "statement of faith", testifying to your conversion and baptism may be offered. Upon demonstrating his intention for membership, the church will publicly welcome the new member candidate in a service, officially commencing his membership.
What is an invitation?
At the end of each service, following the preaching, an invitation or altar call is given. This is a private time where people are offered an opportunity to receive Christ or make other decisions. When the congregation is instructed to rise, with their eyes closed and heads bowed, the instruments will gently be playing. At this time anyone can walk to the front of the auditorium, where the pastor or another church member will greet you privately. He will assist you and if private prayer is needed he will appoint one of our ladies to work with ladies and men with men. These Christians will help you with whatever your need is. If you desire, you may pray at our altar without speaking to anyone.