Westside Baptist Church Statement on Music
We are Conservative in our Music.
This is the main area of attack in the day and age we live in. God’s music is being replaced by worldly music in word and in sound. Those who do not know our God and Saviour Jesus Christ are writing music that is counterfeit. We must have discernment in this crucial area. Our music program and worship is fervent, Old-Time music centered around songs, hymns, and spiritual songs, avoiding even the slightest trends toward the Contemporary Christian (CCM) Music movement of our day.
The Westside Baptist Church will be conservative in our music in word and in sound. The Westside Baptist Church will not adopt an entertainment or night club format. There will be no worship teams but a song leader for church services and a music director for our choir. To keep us on track, the church hymn book will be the main source of all music sung at WBC.